Two-Spirit Workshop Series
February 8, 2019
Urban Native Youth Association’s Two-Spirit Collective has launching a Two-Spirit Workshop Series, with events running on Thursday evenings.
WHEN: Thursdays, 4 pm to 7 pm
WHERE: 1618 East Hastings St, Vancouver (Ground Floor – Buzz “Downstairs Mtg Room”)*
WHO: This workshop series is open to Indigenous youth ages 15 to 30 who identify as Two-Spirit or LGBTQ+ and who are questioning their sexual or gender identities. Allies who are accompanying Indigenous youth are also welcome to join us.**
We’ll have snacks and bus tickets available at each event. Details on each workshop below.
Two-Spirit Workshop Series: Thursdays from 4 pm to 7 pm at UNYA

Two-Spirit Workshop Series: Thursdays from 4 pm to 7 pm at UNYA
Two-Spirit Workshop Series Dates
February 21, 2019
Sexual Wellbeing with YouthCo
Discussions and activities on personal decision making, relationships, communication, and safer sex.
Let us know if you can come – register here.
February 28, 2019
Trans + Two-Spirit Learn + Share with Trans Care BC
Learn about Trans Care BC and what they do. Share what’s important to you to feel supported. This information will help both Trans Care BC and UNYA know how we can better support you and make sure that you feel comfortable accessing this support. Honoraria will be offered to participants at both Learn + Share sessions.
Let us know if you can come – register here.
March 7, 2019
Trans + Two-Spirit Learn + Share with Trans Care BC
Learn about Trans Care BC and what they do. Share what’s important to you to feel supported. This information will help both Trans Care BC and UNYA know how we can better support you and make sure that you feel comfortable accessing this support. Honoraria will be offered to participants at both Learn + Share sessions.
Let us know if you can come – register here.
April 4, 2019
HIV 101 with YouthCo
All about HIV facts, misconceptions, transmission, and safer sex.
Let us know if you can come – register here.
April 11, 2019
Decolonizing Our Health with YouthCo
Brainstorming ways we can take care of our wellbeing to live full and healthy lives, whatever that looks like to us.
Taking Care of Communities, Taking Care of Ourselves with YouthCo
Drug use, staying safe, individual rights and responsibilities to ourselves and our communities, fentanyl, naloxone, and overdose response.
Let us know if you can come – register here.
April 25, 2019
Managing Our Health (in ways that feel best to us!) with Sexual Health With Dee
Shame-free info and discussion about menstruation, birth control, and safer sex for gender variant folks, in a fun, safe, inclusive, nonjudgmental, and sex-positive workshop.
New Date TBA
Sexual Health Trivia with YouthCo
High energy game show style workshop about HIV, STIs, staying safe, sexual health, and culture.
Let us know if you can come – register here.
About UNYA’s Two-Spirit Collective
UNYA’s Two-Spirit Collective provides support, resources, and programming for Indigenous youth, ages 15 to 30, who identify as 2-Spirit or LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, gender non-conforming, along with many other identities), and for those who are questioning their sexual or gender identities.
For more information about UNYA’s Two-Spirit Collective, visit the program page here.
To get in touch with UNYA’s Two-Spirit Youth Care Counsellor at [email protected].
* Accessibility info coming soon.
** Our two Learn + Share sessions with Trans Care BC are open to Indigenous youth ages 11 to 30. Because these two sessions will focus specifically how we can better support trans, Two-Spirit, or gender diverse Indigenous youth, these sessions are open only to Indigenous youth.