Free Virtual/Augmented Reality Workshops at Emily Carr
February 13, 2019
Are you an Indigenous creator, artist, storyteller, producer, media creator, or community member? Interested in exploring the creative possibilities of virtual reality or augmented reality?
Indigenous Matriarch 4 (IM4) Media Lab is offering two video workshops at Emily Carr University next week, February 19-21, 2019 in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and 360 video. These workshops are free for Indigenous media creators and community members interested in gaining knowledge and expanding their skill set in AR/VR/360 video.
These two free, three-day workshops will give you training in VR/AR/360 video, where you will use the tools, and gain the knowledge and skills needed to create your own VR immersive experiences and productions. Throughout the courses, you’ll have an introduction to XR, explore how to practice Indigenous storytelling through these mediums, and will get to see a showcase of how Indigenous media creators are embracing VR.
Train in VR/AR/360 video, using the tools, and gaining the knowledge and skills needed to create your own VR immersive experiences and productions.
Train in VR/AR/360 video, using the tools, and gaining the knowledge and skills needed to create your own VR immersive experiences and productions.
Intro/Intermediate VR/AR/360 Workshop
Tuesday Feb. 19 to Thursday Feb. 21, 2019
9:30 am to 5 pm
Lunch provided
The IM4 Intro/Intermediate 3-day workshop will give you training in VR/AR/360 video, where you will use the tools, and gain the knowledge and skills needed to create your own VR immersive experiences and productions. Throughout the course, you’ll have an introduction to XR, explore how to practice Indigenous storytelling through these mediums, and will get to see a showcase of how Indigenous media creators are embracing VR.
The workshop instructor will provide a clear understanding to the VR/360 filmmaking process while offering a hands-on experience using the new technologies. In this workshop students will get the chance to create their own mini VR/360 project.
For more info on this workshop, visit the Eventbrite page here.
Level 3 VR/AR/360 Workshop
Tuesday Feb. 19 to Thursday Feb. 21, 2019
9:30 am to 5 pm
Lunch provided
The IM4 Level 3 workshop will give you training in VR/AR/360 video, using the technology, and gaining the knowledge, editing, pre- and post-production skills required to work on a VR/360 project. The level 3 workshop is suitable for participants who have completed the intro workshop, and/or who have more knowledge about the VR/360 creation process.
Throughout this advanced course, you’ll be given the opportunity to learn more about editing 360 videos, coding in unity, sound in 360, and game engines. This workshop will further your skills with coding, editing, exporting, publishing, and distributing.
For more info on this workshop, visit the Eventbrite page here.
To sign up for these workshops, RSVP to the Eventbrite events (see links in above workshop descriptions) and send an email to to complete a workshop application to secure a spot.
About IM4 Media Lab
IM4 Media Lab was brought together by Creative Director Loretta Todd, alongside media matriarchs Cease Wyss, Doreen Manuel, amethyst First Rider, and Tracey Kim Boneau, in partnership with Emily Carr University.
IM4 offers workshops for Indigenous artists, storytellers, producers, media creators, and community members to learn about XR, gain technical training, and develop skills to create their own VR/AR and 360 video production.